Ritchey English

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

To listen to speeches try this site: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/top100speechesall.html
Listed here are the top 100 speeches, you can click on the mp3 button and it will open and play the speech.
Have fun with it.

FYI…for the response part on the back … think about the speaker’s mood, the way the speaker spoke and the words they chose. Some questions to consider are: Was he/she easy to hear? Were the words pronounced well? Was the voice monotone or varied? Was the attitude of the speaker obvious? What do you think the speaker’s goal was in giving the speech? What are your feelings after hearing the speech? Would this be a person you would like to hear in person? Why/why not? Explain why you chose to listen to this particular person's speech.